Sat 11 Jan
{{{{ Last Day in Williston }}}} 100% REAL PICS 100% satisfaction guaranteed 100% Fun & Exciting $100$ - 18
(Minot, WILLISTON outcalls/incall available)
°•❤•° LET ME BE°•❤•° _ Y.O.U.R _ °•❤•° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °•❤•° _ S.E.C.R.E.T _ °•❤•° - 23
☆Great Reviews☆◄ •••• SUPER SEXY FIJIAN/BLACK MIX ◄ •••• ☆100% ME OR IT'S FREE ☆ - 21
NEW★█▓██▓█ █▓█ █▓█ UPSCALE ★ CLASSY █▓█ █▓██▓█ █▓█ LATINA★ SEXY █▓█ █▓█ █▓██▓█★ - 22
(Minot, minot incalls/outcalls)
•*¨¨*• *•°o☆ YOU WILL L♥VE MY SK!LLS ☆ $150 SpeCial'S☆°o*• ° •*¨¨*• - 24
(Minot, Williston in&outCalls;)
N E W ________ BLONDE __ {❤} ' ERS __ FANTASY ___________ NeW - 23
(Minot, Williston, Private ♥ iNCall.OutCall)
--- --- Cute N@u9hty Asian Doll --- --- {{ 6o Roses Special }} --- outcalls only - 23
(Minot, Williston Outcalls only)
Fri 10 Jan
————❤———— YOUR ———— # ❶ ———— PERFECT ———— CHOICE ———— BREATHTAKING ———— HOTTIE ————❤ ———— - 23
YOUR ^~ •♥• SEXY ^~ LITTLE ~^~ SECRET ^~•♥•~^ C O M P L E T E L Y ^~•♥•~^ I R R E S I S T I B L E - 21
(Minot, WILLISTON 24/7)
◆ ◇ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◆▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ◇ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ITS YOUR LUCKY NiGHT ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ◇ ◆ ▬▬▬▬▬ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◆ - 23
💜💞Sexy Blonde BBW Playmate ✔ Huge tits and a great A**💋Don't waste your time with the↕rest📲 - 24
(Minot, 📞Williston💎 INCALLS OUTCALLS💎 24/7📞)
::::: LET ME TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY:Williston ::: Lonely? Just call me! I will take care of you :::: - 25
(Minot, Williston Outcalls nearby cities)
▀ █ █ ▀█ SEXY ❤❤❤ HOT█▀ █ █ ▀█ WiLLiNG ❤❤❤ READY █▀ █ █ ▀█ CALL ME! ❤❤❤ █▀ █ █ ▀█ - 23
(Minot, MINOT AREA ONLY!! Incalls outcalls)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ___M_O_S_T ❤___W_A_N_T_E_D ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ - - 21
(Minot, My place or yours Williston)
.•*´¨` S P E C I A L S**• * .•*´¨`Sw e e t B l o n d e • *´¨`*•O u t c a l l s - 31
(Minot, Outcalls)
**As G00d As Th£¥ C..U..M..M..** {Sw££t CaLiForNia Hon£¥}** LaTe NiGhT InCaLL sp£ciaLs** - 22
(Minot, ***Williston***(incall/*outcalls extra*))
»——» ♥ [ 100% REAL ] »——» [ *ASIAN PERSUASION* ] »——» [ FREAKY TREAT ]♥ »——» - 23
(Minot, »——» Williston In -- Out »——»)
Thu 09 Jan
▓ ▒☆ PRE-BOOKiNG FOR 5/6/13 ☆▒ ▓ ☜❤☞ ▓ ▒☆ SW€€T & S€XY ☆ bLONDE BARBiE dOLL ☆ CHECK ME OUT!!! ⇨ - 21
(Minot, Minot Incall / Outcalls EVERYWHERE)
Well Reviewed Exquisite Ebony In Town Specials Available - 25
(Minot, Williston (Incalls & Outcalls))
☠ W_A_R_N_I_N_G ☠ ________ E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y ________ A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E - 24
(Minot, Williston in/outcalls)
💋 Red HOT SPECIALS ❤ Let Me Be Your Nauty Girl 💋 Gorgeous Mixed Hottie ❤ Call ANYTIME 💋 - 21
(Minot, 💜 Minot incall&outcalls;💜)
Rainy☆ KiNkY ☆ Dr!Pp!nG ☆ t!GhT ☆ SeXY☆ FreAK☆ AvAiLaBLe NoW ☆ CoMe PlAy WiTh Me☆ - 23
(Minot, minot/ williston close surrounding areas)
💋 steaming hot 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀🍀 🍀 🍀🍀 🍀.🍀🍀 🍀 BUSTY IRISH BEAUTY🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀 🍀🍀 - 30
★HOT BRUNEttE iN tOWN ★ _-_ ★SEXy ★ _-_ ★MOdEL★ _-_ ★100% REAL★ _-_★CALL ME xoxoxo ★ IN/OUTCALLS - 22
(Minot, williston in/outcalls)
Minot In/Outcalls ௵ B R E A T H T A K I N G _ BLONDE௵ _ H O T T iE_ ௵ - 19
(Minot, MINOT Minot MINOT)
1 o o _ K i S s e S _ # 1 - C H O I C E -MIDWESTS F A V O R I T E PRETTY *CHYNA * D O L L ' - 23
(Minot, Minot Incalls n Outcalls)
Wed 08 Jan
***$$$ █ THE ☆ RIGHT ☆ CHOICE █☆ G U A ® A N T € € D ☆$$$*** (303-709-7180 - 28
___In Wil__________🔴( SwEEt ) 🔴 ( BEaUTiFuL) 🔴 (BlOnDe) 🔴 ( READY NOW! )🔴 ( aTTenTiVe ) 🔴 - 21 - 21
(Minot, Williston 👠🍒)
"Love" Upscale Provider New to the Area Please Book Now - 29
(Minot, Minot Upscale Location In & Outcalls)
▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ NO ONE -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ - 21
Tue 07 Jan
Surrender To Your Fantasy's With A Beautiful Italian Mistress * Fetish Model * - 31
(Minot, Williston Incall * Outcalls Everywhere)
SexY LiL sWeeT TrEaT NEW in town**!! HERE NOW!! - 20
(Minot, williston/surrounding areas/in&outcalls;)
💕 New in town •° take a break from work and come enjoy the Sexiest Playmate _Petite big booty freak - 22
(Minot, 📞Williston💎 INCALLS OUTCALLS💎 24/7📞)
Sweet As HEAVEN BuT NaUghTTy As HeLL very addictive!! limited time... - 23
(Minot, inside me!!!!! ( Williston, ND))
(( ♥♥BLONDE♥ ♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥BUNNY ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥AVAiLABLE ♥♥)) :: :: (( ♥♥NOW ♥)) - 19
(Minot, Minot area Incalls&Outcalls;)
°o ( xOxO ) °o YuMmMy && D€LiC¡OuS .. °o » ( EXOT¡C• ASiAN/LaT!nA MiXeD) «°o ( xOxO ) °o - 22
(Minot, incalls//outcalls)
❤❤❤ DON'T BE DiSAPPOiNTED ANYMORE ❤❤❤ BeAuTiFuL sLiM sExY bLoNdE ❤❤❤ NEW 2 TOWN!!!!! ❤❤❤ - 21
(Minot, Minot Incall / Outcalls Everywhere)
Mon 06 Jan
//////// New /////// Sexy ////// Hottie with Everything you need ////// Visiting Williston - 25
(Minot, Williston)
Press▶️im WΗατ ur ώαιτιηG fθR💦😘 ☏₵αℓℓ τΗε βεδτ ηθϖ!! AVAILABLE NOW! ✔l GAURUNTEE - 25
(Minot, Williston will travel)
NEW ★ ——— ████💥💥__ ADDICTIVE__ 💥💥💥 __BRUNETTE__ 💥💥💥__ BOMBSHELL __💥💥 ████ ———★ - - 22
(Minot, Williston INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
(.)(.)ITS YOUR LUCKY DAY (.)(.) Beautiful and Busty Is Back (.) (.) Watford. city - 25
(Minot, williston)
►• • • ►█ DONT ★CHE@T★ YOUR ★SELF ★TRE@T ★YOUR ★SELF►100% Real - 21
(Minot, Williston in & outcalls)
((Exquisite mixxxed beauty))____NeW In ToWn____❤️Ready for some💦fun - 21
(Minot, Watford incalls and outcalls)
🍭Candi Cane 🍭New Sexy Treat🍬 Now in Williston 4 a Limited Time🍬Call me ask about my specials📞 - 24
(Minot, 📞Williston💎 INCALLS OUTCALLS💎 24/7📞)
★ -::- HeY GuYs ☆THiNK YoU CaN HaNDLe THiS ☆§UPeR §eXY ßu§TY ßaße -:: LEAVING IN 2HRS - 22
::::: EXOTIC :::: 1/2 Filipino 1/2 White ::::: PRINCESS ViSiTIng Williston:: NEW :::::: In or Out - 25
(Minot, Williston)
BACK IN WILLISTON❗❗ Don't Miss Out ✋ INCALL Specials All Night Long 💋😆😆 Try Me Ask About My Friend👭 - 21
(Minot, WILLISTON ™2 girl show available™)
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 23
•-:¦:-• C A N ' T •-:¦:-• G E T •-:¦:-• A N Y •-:¦:-• B E T T E R •-:¦:-• - 21
(Minot, WILLISTON in/outcalls)
💕 Come take a dip in my🍯 HONEY jar 🍯prepare to be amazed and fulfill yr desires 💋 call me📲 - 22
(Minot, 📞Williston💎 INCALLS OUTCALLS💎 24/7📞)
50-150 F R 3 @ K of all F R 3 @ K S ready to play IN WILLISTON - 24
(Minot, WILLISTON IN/OUTcalls only)
( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: :: ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ N O W ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) - 22
(Minot, Williston INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
• ❤• ❤• BEAUTiFUL BlONDE COMiNG 2 WiLLiSTON • ❤ • ❤ • petite • ❤ • 100% REAL ❤ PREBOOK NOW!!!!! ❤❤❤ - 21
(Minot, Williston Incall / Outcalls EVERYWHERE ❤)
❤♥ρυRε ρℓ℮δυRε❤❤ ♚ τθρ Qυαℓιτγ ♚ BEAUTiFUL BLoNDE BoMBSHEll ♚ϑρ αℓℓ ηιGΗτ♚ - 21
(Minot, Minot Incall / Outcalls EVERYWHERE ❤)
.•*•:* BEAUTiFuL ***sLiM*** BlONDE SWE3THEART .•*•.•. 100% REAL ❤ NO DiSAPPOiNTMENTS ! ❤ CALL NOW!! - 21
(Minot, Minot Incall / Outcalls EVERYWHERE ❤)
Sun 05 Jan
🌺 outcall special minot surrounding area 🌸🌺 ❤💕 ☞☎646-280-9366 daisyLynn - 19
(Minot, Ray , Stanley , Minot ,Tioga , outcalls)
Leaving MINOT in the a.m * Highly Reviewed Trista Comings .. dont miss out on .. My Magical Mouth - 27
(Minot, Minot INCALL/Outcall)
◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢☆◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ BUSTY BOMBSHELL ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢☆◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ - 25
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ CURVY ❀ JUICY ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ DIPPED N' SUGAR ❀ PLAYMATE ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 23
★ ▬💋▬★ FLIRTY ★ ▬💋▬ ★ ★▬💋▬ ★ONE OF A KiND ★ ▬💋▬ ★ SiNFULLY SWEET ▬▬▬▬★ - 21
(Minot, MINOT In•Calls•OutCalls)
((((NEW IN TOWN)))) Latina & Russian babe VISITING from CALIFORINA... - 21
(Minot, upscale willistion incalls/outcalls)